
Traveling in style: Why fly by private jet from Milan to Olbia

Wednesday 10 April 2024 Blog, Top Destinations

Tra lusso e comodità: viaggiare da Milano a Olbia con un jet privato

In the heart of the beautiful Sardinia, amidst the crystal-clear waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, lies the city of Olbia, whose name in Greek means "happy place." This city is an important gateway to the island and the economic engine of Gallura. Olbia is rich in historical relics, including museums, basilicas, dolmens, megalithic circles, and Roman-era paved streets.

Olbia also boasts a spectacular gulf and numerous beaches, including the renowned Costa Smeralda. The city offers gastronomic delights, such as local mussels and Vermentino wine, high-class restaurants, and exclusive venues frequented by many celebrities.

When it comes to traveling with elegance, comfort, and efficiency, few experiences can compete with a private flight. It stands out for offering an exclusive and tailored travel experience, ensuring that every aspect of the journey is not only enjoyable but also impeccable.

Let's explore the reasons for choosing to  charter a private jet to reach Olbia from Milan and what to see in this beautiful city.

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Private Jet from Milan to Olbia: All the Benefits

A private jet flight from Milan to Olbia offers numerous advantages over commercial flights.

Firstly, with a private jet, you have the opportunity to plan the flight according to your needs, without worrying about the rigid schedules offered by commercial airlines. Additionally, you can enjoy unparalleled privacy and comfort, with spacious seats and a relaxed and cozy environment.

Furthermore, thanks to the ability to land at smaller airports and skip the lengthy check-ins typical of commercial flights, the flying experience will be more efficient and faster. You can avoid long security lines and airport waits, arriving in Olbia in the shortest time possible.

Finally, every aspect of the private jet journey will be completely customizable with a crew onboard who will ensure to cater to every request and personalize the entire flight, guaranteeing a high-quality travel experience. 

Vista dall'oblò di un aereo privato | Fast Private Jet

Olbia: what to visit in the Gallurese city

Olbia is the ideal city for those seeking a destination that combines luxury, nightlife, and paradisiacal beaches. This Sardinian city offers a charming combination of elegance, natural beauty, and a vibrant social and nightlife scene.

From the renowned Costa Smeralda, a seaside resort famous for its luxury and breathtaking beauty, to the tourist port of Porto Cervo which allows you to admire high-fashion boutiques, gourmet restaurants, and exclusive nightclubs, to the beautiful historic center of this city, with its cobblestone streets, picturesque squares, and historic buildings like the Basilica of San Simplicio, an ancient place of worship dating back to the twelfth century, everything in Olbia seems to be designed to enchant and fascinate its visitors.

Read also:  Cerchi un jet privato da Milano alla Sardegna? Ecco perché scegliere Fast Private Jet

Fly from Milan to Olbia with Fast Private Jet

For an exclusive and uncompromising private flight experience from Milan to Olbia, Fast Private Jet is the ideal choice.

Thanks to Fast Private Jet's direct private flights, it's possible to avoid layovers and airport waits and enjoy only the best of the journey: comfort and tranquility.

The modern fleet of private aircraft, equipped with all comforts, ensures a safe journey with high-quality services, fully customizable according to your needs. Whether you want to eat your favorite dish or sip your beloved drink, everything will be possible with a Fast Private Jet flight.

Onboard all our private jets, you'll enjoy personal space and privacy, thanks to spacious seats and attention to detail that will make the journey an unparalleled experience of luxury and beauty.

Book your private jet now with Fast Private Jet and choose to rely only on those who can guarantee you the best for your journey.


  • The private jet flight from Milan to Olbia offers several advantages over commercial flights, such as flexibility in scheduling, privacy, comfort, and the ability to avoid the waiting times and stringent, slow security checks typical of commercial flights.
  • Olbia offers a unique combination of luxury, natural beauty, and vibrant social life. Must-see attractions include the renowned Costa Smeralda, the tourist port of Porto Cervo with its high-fashion boutiques and exclusive nightclubs, and the picturesque historic center with the Basilica of San Simplicio.
  • Fast Private Jet offers direct flights from Milan to Olbia with high-quality services, comfort, and customization, ensuring an uncompromising private travel experience.

Questions & Answers

Where is the shopping street in Olbia?

The shopping street in Olbia is located on the granite-paved road that leads from the port to the main square of the city.

How long is a Milan-Olbia flight by private jet?

The duration of a private jet flight from Milan to Olbia is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.

How much does a Milan-Olbia flight cost by private jet?

The cost of a private jet flight from Milan to Olbia depends on various factors such as the type of jet and the number of people. It starts from a minimum of around 2500 euros for a jet that accommodates 4/5 people.

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